Inquiry about scenario generator

Dear researchers

I am very new to using invest, I had of it few weeks and I decide to use it for my thesis, although still an amateur, however I will be happy if my question Is answer.

I have been trying to create a scenario analysis to be used in my project dissertation, I am working on carbon. I wanted to create a Scenario map, that replaces some areas in this current map (e.g. replacing grass land, shrub lands with forest and agroforestry practices).

  1. Please how can I translate this my Scenario into a land cover map? Which method/software can I use to translate this scenario into a LULC map? As i wish to compare the carbon Storage in this scenario am creating and the compare it with the Business as Usual

  2. After obtaining the result of my modelling how can I use the Archgis to check the Total carbon storage in each of the land use land classes based on the map produced by Invest. Because I observed that the attribute table of the map produce cannot open.


Dear @oloruntobby,

It sounds to me like all you might need is a rasterization routine (I’m sure ArcGIS has one). So the idea there would be to create a shapefile with polygons over each of the areas in your landcover raster you want to convert, and set an attribute in the shapefile to the landcover you want to convert to. Then, when you rasterize the shapefile, it’ll write those attribute values to the pixels that the polygons overlap.

You’re right that the carbon model does not produce an attribute table. In ArcGIS, you’ll want to look for some summary statistics. For example, the raster’s sum would be the total volume of carbon across the whole raster. Alternatively, if you’re looking for just the volume of carbon in a certain part of the raster, you’ll want to use a zonal statistics function so that you can aggregate carbon storage values in just a part of the raster.

Hope this helps, and let us know if you have any questions!

I really appreciate you for this fast and prompt response i really find it super helpful. I wont hesitate to ask if i have a question. Thanks a lot

Hey, I also want to create scenario maps for my dissertation and someone linked me to this post. Can you tell me if this method worked for you or what method you used? :slight_smile: Any advice would be amazing! Thank you

Hi! I am also new to InVEST, and I would like to also apply the Scenario Generator Model to my thesis. I have seen on some tutorials that the Scenario Generation Model can use only one replacement land cover, one at a time. (Please kindly correct me if I have misunderstood this). As I have understood, the output of this model will show the changes/expansion/patterns of just a single replacement cover.

May I kindly ask for your recommendation on the possible steps to generate a scenario representing the possible changes of various replacement land cover combined into just one map? (For example, a scenario of applied catchment management would mean an increase in forest and agriculture classes as replacement covers, combined in one map). Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

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Hi @vteck,

As I have understood, the output of this model will show the changes/expansion/patterns of just a single replacement cover.

Yes, that is correct. However, as mentioned in the users guide:

To convert to different habitat types, different habitat amounts, or to designate different focal habitats or converted habitats, the tool can be run multiple times in sequence.

So depending on your scenario goals you could run the model multiple times, using the output land cover as the input for the next run. Then you could change the replacement cover each time to generate new scenarios.

scenario of applied catchment management

I wonder if @swolny or @jesseG would have insights into scenario creation for this.


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Hi @vteck

I’ve actually only used Scenario Generator once or twice in a very simple way, so don’t have any good intel for how to use it for this purpose.

We used to have a tool called RIOS that was designed to site one or more catchment management activities, based on the water quality/quantity service you want to improve, how much the management activities cost, and the overall budget. The output was basically scenario maps, with pixels assigned to management activities. I’m sad that we no longer provide RIOS, but wanted to throw out the ideas behind it, in case it’s useful for thinking about how to create your scenarios.

~ Stacie


Thank you very much, Doug @dcdenu4 and Stacie @swolny for the informative response. :blush: These have clarified a lot of my confusions. Many thanks, again! :blush: I’ll just send a message again here in case I’ve encountered problems on running the model. :blush:
