InVEST visitation model: Possible limitations in linear regression

Hi everyone!
I’m conducting research on Cultural Ecosystem Services using the InVEST recreation model. While I’ve come across studies applying linear regressions, I haven’t found much that highlights the model’s most common uses and applications—for example, the most frequently used variables— and most importat: its recognized advantages and limitations. Does anyone know of relevant research on this topic?

Any help is highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Lina Hoyos-Rojas

Hi @MariaHr18

You might find something useful in this list of publications: Publications | Outdoor R&D.

Not all of them relate to the InVEST model, but some do. I can recommend this one:

M. Donahue, B. L. Keeler, S. A. Wood, D. Fisher, Z. A. Hamstead, T. McPhearson (2018). Using social media to understand drivers of urban park visitation in the Twin Cities, MN. Landscape and Urban Planning .

I’m not sure if there’s a single paper that reviews the most frequently used variables. Many of these papers will discuss the advantages & limitations of using social media data as a proxy for visitation rates. And there’s probably a much broader literature in economics – that I’m not very familiar with – about advantages & limitations of revealed-preferences modeling in general.

Hi @MariaHr18,

Adding to Dave’s great suggestions, if you are interested in applications of the InVEST recreation model specifically, you could also look at our database of publications using InVEST models and filter for the rec model. You can find the database here: Database of publications using InVEST and other Natural Capital Project software | Stanford Digital Repository.


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Hi Dave,

Thank you for the recommendation. So far, I have mostly come across papers discussing the advantages and limitations of social media data collection, particularly on Flickr, and I am extracting relevant information from them. I will review the source you sent to gain more insights on the topic.


Hi Lisa,

I didn’t know about that inventory, it’s very useful. Thank you!
