Lucode values in raster not matching lucode in biophys

Could anyone please take a look at our biophysical table and run log for our Urban Cooling Model? The error message states that lucode 22, 23, and 24 are present in the lulc raster but not in the biophysical table, however the invest user guide states the lucode values as 1-18. I even tried adding the 22, 23, and 24 values to the biophys without inputting data (and even with “nodata”) but it still did not work.

Run Log:
InVEST-Urban-Cooling-log-2022-04-08–15_45_13.txt (6.2 KB)

Biophysical Table:
EastNewark_urban_cooling_BioFizz.csv (549 Bytes)

Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

edit: I am running INvEST 3.10.2

Hi @dankelly , thanks for your question,

You will need a row in the table for every pixel value that occurs in your LULC raster. Since you have values of 22, 23, and 24 present in the raster, you will need rows for these lucodes in the table.

I’m not exactly sure where you are seeing this. But every LULC raster is different. The lucodes don’t have any intrinsic meaning, only the meaning you assign to them in the biophysical table. If your raster has different codes than the example given in the User Guide, that’s perfectly fine, so long as the table has a row for each code.

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I figured it out. Thank you!

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