Natural Capital Symposium 2024 taking place June 4-7

Dear colleagues,

I’m excited to share the news that the NatCap Symposium is back, June 4-7, on the Stanford campus! This is a great conference focused on natural capital and ecosystem service approaches, and will bring together leaders from government, multilateral development finance, the private sector, research institutions, and civil society. This year’s symposium will focus on mainstreaming natural capital approaches in policy and investment decisions. Participants from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience levels can join. Topics will include incorporating natural capital assessments and accounting in national-scale policies; environmental justice and inclusion; development and application of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP); innovations in results-based financing; nature-health connections; and landscapes and community stewardship. We’ll also be sending out a call for abstracts soon.

Early bird registration lasts until March 31, and rates go up after that! Read more and register on our website. For updates, you can subscribe to our newsletter if you haven’t already and follow us on social media (X/Twitter and LinkedIn). Please share this invitation widely. Hope to see you in June!

The NatCap Team


Limited Call For Abstracts Through March 25

We are now accepting abstract submissions for short talks (10-12 minutes) at the 2024 Natural Capital Symposium. A limited number of talks will be accepted, showcasing work at the frontiers of research and practice that are transforming policy and investment through mainstreaming natural capital assessment and accounting. We are seeking a diverse range of speakers and topics, so we encourage you to submit your talk even if it does not fit exactly in the categories listed below in this form. Talks may also be accepted into other panel sessions when appropriate and space is available. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The submission deadline is 25 March 2024. All submitters will be notified about talk acceptance status by 8 April 2024. Note that the discounted early bird registration rate will be honored for those needing to wait to register until they receive notice of talk acceptance.

To submit an abstract, please use this form: 2024 Natural Capital Symposium: Short Talk Abstract Submission Form

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