Welcome to InVEST 3.7.0, We r really happy to hear invest announcing the next versions. In this NDR model, have economic valuation part updated or not? Can you suggest the guidelines for how to do to the economic valuation?
Hi @Niruagri -
NDR does not include economic valuation, and it is unlikely that we will include that functionality in the future. Doing our own projects, we see how very specialized, and often complex, each economic case is, so it is not very useful to provide a very simple, generic economic function. People might be valuing for drinking water quality at a water treatment plant, or health impacts, or eutrophication, or other benefits, and each one has a very different approach and requirement for input data. One thing I do know is that doing economic valuation requires a model that’s calibrated well against observed data, so you feel confident about the model results before putting a monetary, health, or other final value on it.
What are you valuing nutrient retention for? With more information about your specific case, our economists might be able to give some ideas for how to approach valuation.
~ Stacie