Nutrient Delivery Ratio "no flow direction found"

Hi, friends ,
While i run the NDR model i am having error message “no flow direction found for 0 0”, why it happen if you know please inform to me.
Thank you for your supports.

Hi @Karthi -

You usually don’t need to worry about the message “no flow direction found”. This can happen for several reasons, like if the pixel is at the edge of the raster and the flow direction goes off the edge. Do look at the “stream.tif” model result and see if the stream layer looks good to you - if it looks good then the model is processing the DEM just fine.

~ Stacie

Hi @Karthi, we also have a new version of the InVEST NDR model that uses an updated routing algorithm. We don’t expect to see any more “no flow direction found…” errors from now on. If you’re interested in trying it you can find that here:

Thank you so much for your help