Plant available water Content data

For the PAWC data Natcap suggest to use a software called SPAW from USDA, howeber when I access this PDFs doest not show how SPAW works.
Does anyone have a tutorial about SPAW, or any Palat available water content data for Belice or central america that can share with me?

Hi @Ricardo_Sand -

I don’t have a SPAW tutorial, but I have used it once or twice for calculating PAWC when I only have a few soil classes to work with. The way I’ve used it is to enter the percent of sand, clay and organic matter (provided by ISRIC or HWSD soil data) for each soil type into the “Soil Water Characteristics” tool. The tool will output “wilting point” and “field capacity”, and I believe that you take the difference between field capacity and wilting point, then convert to a decimal (not percent, which is given by the tool) to get the available water fraction required by the model. You’ll then need to assign these values to the corresponding soil class areas in the raster.

We’ve done a couple of projects in Belize, and our colleagues in the country have not been able to find national soil data, so we have used global datasets, particularly from ISRIC Soil Grids. This came up on a separate thread too, so look here for more information.

Related to ISRIC, there’s also the Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) for Latin America and the Caribbean (SOTERLAC), that you might check out.

~ Stacie


Hello Stacie,

Thank you for the recommendation It actually worked. Quite clear route you send me.

But now I{m having the Bounding boxes do not intersect error, I checked the LUCode in the land use raster and in the table as well , are the same numbers , I tried to cut the edges of the rasters with the same mask. I´m looking for more cases like this in the community you think I should reproject my layers?

