I was hoping to get some help with understanding the contents of the “predictor_data.shp” included in the model output for Recreation and Tourism Model.
I am interested in modeling PUD visitation rates associated with coastal habitats like seagrass beds and coral reefs in Florida, controlling for other relevant socioeconomic factors. I’ve included several potential predictors including the percent overlap of these marine foundation habitats using the “polygon_area_coverage” option. My understanding is that the values should range somewhere between 0 and 100% depending on how much a given habitat overlaps the pixel.
But in the resulting predictor_data shapefile, it looks like these values have much different ranges.
Are the units for habitat overlap actually something different? Is there some kind of scaling that happens that I’m not aware of? Or does the “predictor_data.shp” not actually represent what I think it does (i.e,. the cell values for each calculated predictor)?
Thanks so much for your help!
PhD Candidate
FSU Geography