Hi there!
I am currently trying to run the recreational model for the queen elizabeth national park in Urganda for 2016. I succeeded running the program, but I am not satisfied with the result. I want to compare the impact of different Land cover on the tourism, so I included a regression table in which I included each Land cover type as a shp. file. with the right path etc. At the end, when I open the predictor data shp. file in Qgis, I get a copy of the AOI I enter in the program but what I would like to display is the impact of different LC on tourism. Does someone knows how to proceed?
I hope that it is more of less clear and that someone will be able to help me.
Thank you for writing in to the forum with your question!
Does your predictor_data.shp output file’s attribute table look similar to the one in the screenshot below, with a field (column) corresponding to each id from your Predictors Table input CSV?
The values of the fields shown in your screenshot are for each land cover class since that is what you included the paths to in your Predictor Table. “grasl” and “trc” are the classes where the most recreation and tourism are predicted.
To obtain results more similar to those in my screenshot (with multiple rows of data), check the “Grid the AOI” box before running the model.
Hi Jesse,
I am back again with more questions…
So when chacking the “Grid the AOI” box before running the model, I loose the results (see attached tbl). Do you have an idea what is going on?
I need more information to diagnose this issue. What Cell Size did you enter? In what projection are your data (a UTM projection)? Perhaps your computer is limited by disk space. What is the file size of “predictor_data.shp”?
Dear Jesse,
Thank you for your help.
I found what was wrong. The shp files I was using were in degree (WGS 84 - EPSG:4326) so I reprojected them all into a UTM and now it is working fine.
I am very happy of the result.