Recreation data coverage empty results

Hello everyone,

I’ve tried a running the recreation model for protected areas in Turks and Caicos Islands, all runs correctly but my results are empty. I’m not sure if it might just be because there is no PUD in my AOI (I’ve tried to cover the whole period 2005-2017), or if it is because my predictor table is too narrow…
Any idea?

I’ve put my results workspace there:

Thank you in advance for your help!

All best,

Hi @jperche , great question. Thanks for sharing your data. I can see there is a mismatch between the units you intended for the “cell size” and the units of your AOI’s coordinate system. Cell size is always defined in the same units as the AOI coordinate system, which in your case is decimal degrees. So if you wish to define the cell size in units of meters, for example, you will need to project your AOI to coordinate system using meters (e.g. UTM).

To quickly confirm that there is photo data in your AOI, you could also first run the model without the “Grid AOI” option, in which case you don’t need to think about your AOI’s coordinate system.

Hope this helps,

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Hello @dave , thank you! I did get some scarce photo data when running without the grid! I’ve also tried to use the grid system with decimal degrees and it worked perfectly.

All best,

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