SDR run time error 01

Bouding boxes do not intersect.

Hi @Huang,

Thanks for posting to the forums. Could you attach the generated logfile, which should be a text file your workspace directory? If this is happening prior to running the model could you provide a screenshot or other information to help us help you?

An error like that usually indicates that your geospatial inputs do not all intersect. Please check your data projections and visualized them in a GIS software.



Hi @Huang,

Thanks for sharing that screen shot. Those sets of 4 values is the bounding box for each input. You can see that most of them have similar values, but the precipitation input has different values, indicating that it might be in a different projection or does not overlap the other inputs.

I’d recommend using QGIS or ArcGIS to format the precipitation input to the same as the others. The inputs should be projected in meters.


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2005CSJR.tif (3.0 MB)
Can you1 deal with it?

Hi @Huang,

We are happy to answer questions and look into potential bugs that make InVEST better, however, we cannot process users inputs for them. We simply don’t have the capacity or the time. If you search this forum there will be a lot of information on reprojecting rasters.

