Hello, I had a problem with running SWY. I attached the log file. While browsing the net, I checked my soil group raster, land use raster and biophysical table and made sure that there weren’t the nodata pixel, the soil group only with 1-4, the biophysical table with all the landuse code. However, there was still the error…I think there must be something wrong with the biophysical table. Because when I delete one range, the indexerror number changed, like: index 20 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 20. index 19 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 19
Also, I checked that the biophysical table doesn’t have a blank line at the end…
I can’t figure out what’s wrong…natcap.invest.seasonal_water_yield.seasonal_water_yield-log-2019-10-14–22_58_01.txt (8.1 KB) .
Hi @judyzuo -
You really did your homework to try and fix the problem - that’s great!
The one thing I see in the log file is that you’re using a really old version of InVEST (3.3.3). Is it possible for you to try the latest version (3.7) and see if the error still occurs? If it does, then we might need to look at your data.
~ Stacie
oh, yes. I have also tried the new different versions and computers. The problem is the same…for download the data, if it’s slow…please give me the email~~:sweat_smile:@swolny
Ohlala~I solved the problem. That’s the lulc raster loss a few pixels at the edge of the study area!!
Thank you for your patient answers for all the problems in this community. I saw another guy talked about this problem and checked my data. And the problem solved.
I’m glad that the other forum posts helped, and you solved it! It sounds like something that our software team is looking into, so hopefully it won’t cause an error like that in the future.
So the lesson for Seasonal Water Yield is to make sure that you don’t have any NoData pixels in your input rasters that lie within the extent of the DEM. We do recommend clipping all of the inputs to our hydrology models not to the watershed polygon, but the watershed polygon buffered by a small amount, to make sure that all of the edge pixels are covered.
Thanks for letting us know @judyzuo!
~ Stacie