Hello. Good night everyone.
I read all the topics about interpretation and units of SDR model outputs. However, I need to confirm that my interpretation is correct regarding the units and scales of analysis of the results.
Considering the main results of the model (rkls.tif, sed_export.tif, sediment_deposition.tif, usle.tif, sed_retention.tif and watershed_results_sdr.shp). And considering that the results have two units: tons/pixel for pixel scale and tons/basin for basin scale my question is:
For pixel scale analysis (in-site) I must convert the sediment_deposition.tif, usle.tif and rkls.tif files from tones/pixel/year to tones/hectare/year for analysis (such as observing in absolute terms the differences between different land uses in the basin).
So for basin-scale analysis (eg for scenario comparisons) I use Arcgis’ zonal tool to calculate the sum for the entire basin. And the sed_retention I should not convert because the analysis is relative. Are these statements correct?
My main question is about sed_export.tif.
For pixel scale analysis should I convert it from tones/pixel/year to tones/hectare/year as well?
And for off-site analysis should I convert too?
I am comparing the model result with an observed data in tons/year from a fluviometric station (exp-obs).
The model generates the watershed_results_sdr.shp file which shows a sed_export in tons/watershed (exp-mod) . Can I compare these results directly (exp-obs and exp-mod)??
Or do I need to convert the sed_export.tif file from tones/pixel to tones/hectare to tones/hectare, then use Arcgis’ zonal tool to acquire the sum for the entire basin and only then compare that sum with exp-obs??
I hope I managed to demonstrate my doubt. My English is not very good.