The output raster file only includes 30% of the study area

When running the InVEST SDR module, the model appears to run successfully during sediment deposition writing, but the output raster file is not modified as expected. Upon investigation, I found that the output raster file ( sed_deposition.tif) only covers 30% of the study area, and the “f” grid in the process file is also missing data in the same area.
InVEST-natcap.invest.sdr.sdr-log-2024-12-11–11_30_54.txt (48.9 KB)

Welcome to the forum @Nancy823 -

Thanks for posting your logfile. It appears that the model was not yet finished running. When it is complete, you should see a message at the end of the log file saying that it is finished, and Workbench should also say “Model complete”, as noted in the User Guide.

~ Stacie

Thanks for your response! Although the logfile shows that the model is running, the output file has not been modified and the log is no longer updated.