Unable to Download and Run InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench on Mac

Hello everyone,

I’ve been trying to download and install the InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench on my Mac, but I keep encountering an issue when I attempt to open it. My Mac displays the following message:

InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench
Not Opened
Apple could not verify InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench

is free of malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy.
Options: Done / Move to Trash

I’ve already ensured that I’m downloading the software from the official Natural Capital Project website. I suspect this issue is related to Mac’s Gatekeeper security settings, but I’m unsure how to proceed safely.

Could anyone guide me on:

  1. How to bypass this issue without compromising my Mac’s security?
  2. Whether there’s a way to verify that the download is safe?
  3. Alternative steps to install InVEST on a Mac?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Hi @sachinshukla,

Yes, this is not unexpected and you’re correct that it is related to Mac security settings. Please try following the steps outlined in the InVEST Getting Started instructions and let me know if you still encounter issues.

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Thank you for the help.

I fixed it.

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