Hello everyone,
I’ve been trying to download and install the InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench on my Mac, but I keep encountering an issue when I attempt to open it. My Mac displays the following message:
InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench
Not Opened
Apple could not verify InVEST 3.14.3 Workbench
is free of malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy.
Options: Done / Move to Trash
I’ve already ensured that I’m downloading the software from the official Natural Capital Project website. I suspect this issue is related to Mac’s Gatekeeper security settings, but I’m unsure how to proceed safely.
Could anyone guide me on:
- How to bypass this issue without compromising my Mac’s security?
- Whether there’s a way to verify that the download is safe?
- Alternative steps to install InVEST on a Mac?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!