We are receiving the following errors in our report when we run the Urban Cooling Model:
2020-10-30 16:16:21,158 utils.prepare_workspace(111) INFO Writing log messages to C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\InVEST-Urban-Cooling-Model-log-2020-10-30–16_16_21.txt
2020-10-30 16:16:21,170 model._logged_target(1626) Level 100 Starting model with parameters:
Arguments for InVEST natcap.invest.urban_cooling_model 3.8.9:
aoi_vector_path C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/InVEST Inputs/AoI_UTM.shp
biophysical_table_path C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/InVEST Inputs/Biophysical_Table.csv
cc_method factors
cc_weight_albedo 0.2
cc_weight_eti 0.2
cc_weight_shade 0.6
do_valuation False
green_area_cooling_distance 400
lulc_raster_path C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/InVEST Inputs/LULC_raster_UTM.tif
n_workers -1
ref_eto_raster_path C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/InVEST Inputs/ET_mean_UTM_Copy.tif
results_suffix _sac
t_air_average_radius 2000
t_ref 34.58
uhi_max 7.10
workspace_dir C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs
2020-10-30 16:16:21,326 urban_cooling_model.execute(296) INFO Starting Urban Cooling Model
2020-10-30 16:16:21,812 utils._log_gdal_errors(68) ERROR [errno 1] Deleting C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\lulc_sac.tif failed: Permission denied
2020-10-30 16:16:21,813 utils._log_gdal_errors(68) ERROR [errno 1] Deleting C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\lulc_sac.tif.ovr failed: Permission denied
2020-10-30 16:16:26,333 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 1 of 2 aligned: lulc_sac.tif
2020-10-30 16:16:31,979 geoprocessing.logger_callback(3239) INFO Warp 38.0% complete C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\ref_eto_sac.tif
2020-10-30 16:16:37,028 geoprocessing.logger_callback(3239) INFO Warp 92.0% complete C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\ref_eto_sac.tif
2020-10-30 16:16:37,446 geoprocessing.logger_callback(3239) INFO Warp 100.0% complete C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\ref_eto_sac.tif
2020-10-30 16:16:38,681 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 2 of 2 aligned: ref_eto_sac.tif
2020-10-30 16:16:38,682 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(754) INFO aligned all 2 rasters.
2020-10-30 16:16:38,792 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(375) INFO starting stats_worker
2020-10-30 16:16:38,800 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(381) INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-1185, started daemon 1528)>
2020-10-30 16:16:38,838 threading.run(870) DEBUG payload is None, terminating
2020-10-30 16:16:38,838 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(486) INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
2020-10-30 16:16:38,840 Task.add_task(731) ERROR Something went wrong when adding task reclassify to kc (1), terminating taskgraph.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py”, line 697, in add_task
File “site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py”, line 1174, in _call
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1763, in reclassify_raster
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 424, in raster_calculator
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1756, in _map_dataset_to_value_op
ValueError: The following 1 raster values [127] from “C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\lulc_sac.tif” do not have corresponding entries in the value_map
: {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1, 16: 1, 17: 1, 18: 1, 19: 1, 20: 1}
2020-10-30 16:16:38,842 model._logged_target(1632) ERROR Exception while executing <function execute at 0x1ED01618>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “site-packages\natcap\invest\ui\model.py”, line 1629, in _logged_target
File “site-packages\natcap\invest\urban_cooling_model.py”, line 398, in execute
File “site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py”, line 697, in add_task
File “site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py”, line 1174, in _call
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1763, in reclassify_raster
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 424, in raster_calculator
File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1756, in _map_dataset_to_value_op
ValueError: The following 1 raster values [127] from “C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/DEVELOP/Sac_InVEST_Outputs\intermediate\lulc_sac.tif” do not have corresponding entries in the value_map
: {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1, 16: 1, 17: 1, 18: 1, 19: 1, 20: 1}
2020-10-30 16:16:38,843 model._logged_target(1635) INFO Execution finished
2020-10-30 16:16:38,850 utils.prepare_workspace(117) INFO Elapsed time: 17.69s
This value of 127 it says doesn’t have a corresponding value is strange. It doesn’t actually exist in our raster. It seems be being created by the model? The lulc raster intermediate output has a box around our study area filled with zeroes and then a bunch of pixels around the edge of our study area that suddenly have the 127 values.