With habitat - coastal vulnerability

In the model for coastal vulnerability, which column of coastal_exposure.gpkg do I use to interpret the data with natural habitat?

Hi @carlabraga -

The User Guide Interpreting Results section describes the columns in coastal_exposure.gpkg, although perhaps it could be worded more clearly for your question.There are several related to habitat.

  • R_habitat: relative ranking of how much habitat is protecting this segment of shoreline.
  • exposure: overall exposure index including the protective effect of habitat
  • exposure_no_habitats: overall exposure index without the protective effect of habitat
  • habitat_role: the difference between exposure and exposure_no_habitats, indicating which places have more or less exposure, due to the presence of habitats

We often use the exposure result to indicate overall coastal risk, along with habitat_role for showing where habitats are (or are not) helping to reduce that risk.

~ Stacie