Good afternoon!
I have question about results.
Saw in the Forum about the exposure index and exposure no habitat index, some questions about exposure index use no value habitat, but the exposure no habitat index wouldn’t be that?
Hi @Dani ,
Saw in the Forum about the exposure index and exposure no habitat index
Could you link here which forums posts you are referring to.
I’m having a hard time understanding the question you’re asking. Could you explain what your question is in more detail?
Final outputs at the coast_exposure.gpkg, according as intrusões no site exposure - this is the final exposure index; and exposure_no_habitats - is the coastal exposure if no protective habitats were present near that point.
I looked in the forum and saw that some people want to run the model without the habitat, but exposure_no_habitats doesn’t do this function?
This is correct.
I’m not sure what you refer to here, but it’s safer to trust the information in the User’s Guide on this topic.
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