Crop Production Percentile Model Results

I am working on the crop production model for Viet Nam. The results are pretty confusing to interpret. The observed production of rice as per my result table is 3.164 million tonnes but as per the available literature we see that it is 38 million tonnes. I also see that the production in 95th percentile is very close to the value observed in the literature. Any assistance to help me understand this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

Attaching the result table and the intermediate files.
rice_clipped_observed_yield.tif (30.9 KB)
rice_zeroed_observed_yield.tif (30.0 KB)
result_table.csv (4.7 KB)

Hi @aneetainvestvina,
Iā€™m not sure if this fully explains your problem, but another user recently pointed out that the maize data we distribute does not match the dataset hosted here, which should be the same. I notice that our rice yield raster also has significantly lower values than that from EarthStat. We are investigating where the discrepancies come from. In the meantime, I would try using the dataset from EarthStat and see if that better matches your expectations.

  1. From, click on the crop name to download the zipped dataset.
  2. Unzip and open it. Find the file rice_YieldPerHectare.tif.
  3. Rename rice_YieldPerHectare.tif to rice_yield_map.tif.
  4. Move rice_yield_map.tif into the observed_yield folder in the provided model data. It will replace the provided rice_yield_map.tif that may be incorrect.
  5. Run the model again.

Thank you for the information, Emily.

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Hi Emily & Team,
Please find the attached error screenshot for Crop Production Model after using the rice_YieldPerHectare.tif from EarthStat.
Thank you.

Please see the instructions here to resolve this error

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Thank you, Emily. We received the desired results.


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