Habitat quality - Output are nan

Hello! Let me explain what problems I have met.I ran the INVEST model successfully, however, I input the results in Arcgis, I got nothing,besides,its value is so strange.Pleease help me,thanks.
quality_c.tif (19.8 KB)
InVEST-Habitat-Quality-log-2021-12-09–16_58_33.txt (18.8 KB)
quality_c.tif (19.8 KB)

I only input cultivated land,urban and rural data,I can get the corret result,but if I add the data of road,I get nothing.

I want to consult you that how wide the road buffer do you set usually?I set the buffer 2km,is it wrong?

Last,why did the software run above ten hours?And it did not ok,so what’s wrong with that?Is the original data too large?Help! Help!

Hi @kirito

This is interesting. It makes me think something is wrong with the road data. A 2km buffer seems very reasonable. Could you please upload (or a share a link to) the road raster and the LULC raster? And also please share the logfile for the run that took 10+ hours.

Thank you,