How obtain the values of eff_n , eff_p, crit_len_n, and crit_len_p in model NDR?

I am working with the NDR in the river watershed Reventazón in Costa Rica, and I have a question about eff_n, eff_p, crit_len_n and crit_len_p.

¿How I could obtain eff_n , eff_p, crit_len_n, and crit_len_p value?, ¿Is there a database that your know to obtain this data?.

Fermin V.

Hi @Fermin -

These values are, admittedly, harder to find. We typically do a literature search to see if nutrient retention studies have been done in our area (or a nearby/similar area), and I recommend doing that, to try and match the values as well as possible to the local conditions.

If these are not available, we do provide a Nutrient Database of literature sources from around the world, which you can find in the Data Sources for InVEST section of the InVEST web page. Note that it is rather old, and non-exhaustive, which is why I recommend doing your own research as well.

~ Stacie

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