Improvement in InVEST water yield model

Hello all,

I have a question about the improvement in water yield mode. I think one of the way to improve the model is adding a snow parameters to the model especially in the regions we precipitation fall as snow such as pacific northwest of the US. what are other way to improve the model and how can we improve water yield model?


Hello @hkarimi , have you taken a look at Interpreting results of water yield - #3 by XiaoYu? There’s a suggestion in that thread about using snow water equivalent.

Let us know if you have any further questions!

Thank you so much, James.
I have another question: I have seen the previous research add the snow model to seasonal water yield to improve the model in the high-elevation areas. Do you have any idea how that can be done?


I checked Interpreting results of water yield - #3 by XiaoYu , but still I need more information. Thanks a lot.


Sure, what kind of additional information are you looking for? The more specific you can be, the better we can try to point you in the right direction.


Thank you so much, James. Actually, I am looking for how can I add a sonw model to SWY model. Literature just mentioned they improved the results by adding a snow model, but they did not explain how they added it.

Thank you.

Which paper or papers in the literature are you referring to?