InVEST won't open in windows. The Invest logo shows on screen then it shuts off

What is the issue or question you have?

I’ve just installed InVEST on windows and tried opening i. The logo shows on the screen for several seconds but then disappears and nothing else happens.

What do you expect to happen?

InVEST to open

What have you tried so far?

I’ve tried rebooting the computer and running as admin,

Upload the logfile using the :outbox_tray: button

Please find log attached
main.log (50.6 KB)

Thank you for reporting this issue and including your log file, it is very helpful! We will look into it.

What edition and version of Windows do you have, and is it 32-bit or 64-bit? ( Which version of Windows operating system am I running? - Microsoft Support)

Have you been able to run previous versions of InVEST workbench in the past?


Thanks for the quick response.

I’m using Windows 10 (64-Bit).

This is my first time trying to use InVEST workbench so haven’t run any other versions previously.

I was wondering if there is a response to this? I still can’t get software to work :frowning:

@wkcmark a ticket has been created here: Workbench crash reported on Windows · Issue #1559 · natcap/invest · GitHub and another user has reported the same problem. We don’t know why this is happening for some people and we haven’t been able to reproduce it yet.

Thanks. I’ve checked and it works on a colleagues computer so not sure what is causing the issue either.

@wkcmark we haven’t yet solved this issue yet, so perhaps you could provide us with some additional information?

  • What CPU does your computer have in it? A screenshot from your “About your PC” screen would be very helpful.
  • Do you have ArcGIS installed on your computer?
  • Do you have any antivirus software running on your computer?
  • Do you have any other GDAL installations, such as from OSGEO4W?
  • Did you install InVEST as an administrator (for all users) or just for your user account?


I had the same problem, I had GDAL 201 (MSVC Win64) and Python 2.7 GDAL-2.1.0 installed on Windows 11, after uninstalling them I was able to open InVEST normally, I think that is causing problems.