Pool carbon data

hello everyone I’m having a problem decompressing in my Arcgis the data of Ruesch and Gibbs (2008) mapped the IPCC. https://data.ess-dive.lbl.gov/view/doi%3A10.15485%2F1463800
If anyone has this data could send me to my personal email: blanca-lissth@hotmail.com
I would appreciate it very much.

Hi @Blanca -

I’ve never used that before, but just tried to import the e00 file into Arc, and can’t get it to work either. From reading the ArcGIS documentation, e00 files don’t work in ArcPro at all, and might get corrupted when unzipping. I’ve tried a few things and the ArcDesktop Import from E00 tool doesn’t work either.

It’s unfortunate that they stopped providing the information in the format that they used to. There used to be a web site that showed the tables they used, with above/belowground biomass for different ecoregion types. We would map those values to our land use/land cover map, if we didn’t have any more local carbon data to use. It was coarse, but fairly straightforward.

The current format has a lot of files and basically no documentation to help use them. There is a “lut” spreadsheet that seems to have the carbon values mapped to ecoregions (like they showed on the old website), but no indication of carbon units (!) My guess is that “datasets” has the carbon rasters, and a combination of “carbon zones” and “remap tables” were used to create the carbon rasters. But without better documentation, I’m not sure. It sounds like we should stop recommending this data source, which is unfortunate.

If anyone else has insights, please share them.

~ Stacie