RIOS error "DatasetUnprojected: These datasets are unprojected "

Hi, I’m Alba from Colombia
I am running RIOS (baseflow) and after 14 seconds I get an error: two rasters are not projected … however, I already checked the projection of all the inputs and I can not find what the fault may be … I greatly appreciate who can help me.


02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa INFO Updating references to the general LULC coefficients table
02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa DEBUG Updating objective/factor uri baseflow/Vegetative Cover Index to C:/Users/GIBPC/Desktop/RIOS/Inputs/rios_default_lulc_coefficients_todos.csv
02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa DEBUG Updating objective/factor uri baseflow/Land Use Land Cover Retention at pixel to C:/Users/GIBPC/Desktop/RIOS/Inputs/rios_default_lulc_coefficients_todos.csv
02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa INFO Starting Water Funds Prioritizer
02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa INFO Looping through objectives to sort and prioritize
02/13/2020 14:50:29 natcap.rios.ipa INFO We’re doing normalization because of interpolated
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root ERROR ---------------------------------------------------
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root ERROR ---------------------- ERROR ----------------------
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root ERROR ---------------------------------------------------
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root ERROR Error: exception found while running natcap.rios
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Build details
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Interpreter
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Current temp dir: C:\Users\GIBPC\Desktop\RIOS\Portafolio\tmp
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG tempfile.tempdir: C:\Users\GIBPC\Desktop\RIOS\Portafolio\tmp
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG System
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG OS : Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Processor architecture: AMD64
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG FS encoding : mbcs
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Preferred encoding: cp1252
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Python
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Version : 2.7.9
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Build : (‘default’, ‘Dec 10 2014 12:24:55’)
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Compiler : MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Implementation : CPython
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Architecture : 32bit
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Linkage format : WindowsPE
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Packages
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Cython : ?
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Numpy : 1.10.2rc1
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Scipy : 0.16.0b2
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG OSGEO : 1.11.3
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Shapely : 1.5.5
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Exception not environment-related
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root DEBUG Printing traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\natcap.rios.rui.executor”, line 611, in runModel
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\natcap.rios.rios”, line 24, in execute
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\natcap.rios.rios”, line 174, in execute_30
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\natcap.rios.rios”, line 1223, in _normalize_rasters
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\natcap.rios.rios”, line 1161, in _normalize_raster
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing”, line 2308, in vectorize_datasets
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing”, line 2010, in align_dataset_list
File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.rios\build\rios\out00-PYZ.pyz\pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing”, line 1761, in assert_datasets_in_same_projection
DatasetUnprojected: These datasets are unprojected set([‘C:/Users/GIBPC/Desktop/RIOS/Inputs/RasterEvap.tif’, ‘C:/Users/GIBPC/Desktop/RIOS/Inputs/RasterLUCODE.tif’])
02/13/2020 14:50:29 root ERROR Exiting due to failures

Hi Alba -

How interesting that both you and another user have gotten this error this week, when I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone report it before. If you’re sure that they are projected, I don’t know what’s happening. If you can send me your input data, I’ll check it out. swolny at

~ Stacie

Hello,None .I am a student from China and doing a research about rios ,but know it can not available.Can you share this software with me ?