SDR model error 184


I am trying to run SDR using InVEST 3.7
It ran well before with using high resolution data, but when I tried running with resampled cell sizes, it gave me an “Error 184”. There are no details so I cannot figure out what error 184 is.
Any advice?


Hi @carlureta, could you attach your logfile so we can take a look? Offhand, I’m not sure what ‘Error 184’ might mean.



Here’s the log file.

InVEST-Sediment-Delivery-Ratio-Model-(SDR)-log-2019-09-18–12_00_34.txt (39.8 KB)

InVEST-Sediment-Delivery-Ratio-Model-(SDR)-log-2019-09-18–13_45_59.txt (68.7 KB)

I tried changing the landcover file as I thought it might be the case but it still showed same error. I have used SDR number of times and this is the first I’ve seen of this error.

Thanks for the help.


This particular error is happening while the model is building a summary report, after the main computation of the model has already completed. The issue itself looks like it is probably caused by a watershed being located completely outside of the bounds of the intersection of the DEM and LULC rasters. Could you make sure that you only have watersheds that are completely contained within this intersection and try re-running the model?

Let us know how this goes!