The Crop Pollination model won’t run. I keep getting this error message:
The following 1 raster values [0] from “F:\AA_CRP\Rasters\InVESTPollinationFinal.tif” do not have corresponding entries in the value map"
What do you expect to happen?
What have you tried so far?
My LULC raster has a “Value” field, which I have reproduced as “lucode”.
I’ve triple checked that this matches the lucode in the Biophysical Table.
There are other errors later in the log file, but I can’t get past this.
Hi @shamajuju , thanks for posting your logfile and describing what you have tried so far.
The “Value” field of the raster (or the raster attribute table, more precisely) is not actually relevant here. The final error message is usually the most helpful one:
ValueError: Values in the LULC raster were found that are not represented under the ‘lucode’ column of the Biophysical table. The missing values found in the LULC raster but not the table are: [0].
Your raster contains at least one pixel with a value of 0, but 0 does not appear in the lucode column of the biophysical table.
You may choose one of these options:
add a row in the biophysical table with 0 as the lucode
reclassify the 0 pixels of the raster to a different code that is already in your biophysical table.
set 0 as the nodata value of the raster. This is often the best choice if the 0 pixels are meant to represent nodata. If a different value is already representing nodata, this may not be a good choice.