There is an error part on the page. After the lines displayed on the page flash, the model page will flash back. I compared the output results in the manual and found that some results were not output. How should I deal with this situation? (P.S.My worklog shows too large to open )
@Morli , you can attach the logfile directly to this post, or else if it really is too large, could you share it with us via dropbox, google drive or some other file sharing service? We really need to be able to take a closer look at the logfile in order to see what’s going on.
Hi James. I will share my log file with you via Baidu Netdisk, it is as big as 1G. Please help me to find out where the problem is, the link to the online disk will be attached below. Thank you!
Link:百度网盘 请输入提取码
Extraction code:51au
Hi @Morli , I appreciate you sharing the file with me! But is there any chance you could share it via Microsoft OneDrive or something else? Baidu won’t let me download the file without installing NetDisk, which I can’t do without creating an account (or at least that’s what happened the last time I tried).
Thanks and sorry about the hassle,
对不起,詹姆斯。这是来自Microsoft OneDrive的链接,请查收。
OK great, thanks for sharing your logfile! There’s definitely something strange going on here and it isn’t immediately clear why it’s happening. Could you share all of your input files via OneDrive so I can take a look? Feel free to share them with my email, if you’d rather not have them be public here on the thread.