I am interested in using the crop regression model for rice crops but when specifying the necessary data in the application I only see the sections:
Directory to model data
Land-use/Land-Cover Map
Landcover to crop table
Fertilization rate
However, I do not see how the climate bin can or should be specified.
Is this information obtained from the “tif” saved in the directory “InVEST_3.7.0_x86\CropProduction\model_data\climate_bin_maps”? (info downloaded when installing Invest).
If so, I guess the information is geolocalized by specifying the projection and raster coordinates, is it right?
Yes, the data from InVEST_3.7.0_x86\CropProduction\model_data\climate_bin_maps or extended_climate_bin_maps is used by the model. The program can find these data because they are in a predictable directory within model_data folder.
All the input data must be georeferenced, so data from the climate bin maps can be extracted for the locations present in your landuse/landcover raster input.
@nedaa There is a working link to the User’s Guide in my previous post.
If you are experiencing other errors, please go to https://community.naturalcapitalproject.org/ and click “New Topic” and post your question there. Please include as much detail as possible. What link did you use for the download that you mention? What is the exact text of the error message you see, and when do you see it?