[error] Installation on Win 10


I am getting this sequence of errors while installing Benchmark 3.14.2 on Win 10:

Error 1:
"InVEST Workbench cannot be closed. Please do it manually and click Retry to continue"

Error 2 (after clicking ‘Retry’):

Error opening file for writing: [path]\InVEST\InVEST 3.14.2 Workbench\Uninstall InVEST 3.14.2 Workbench.exe
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file"

‘Abort’ aborts the installation, ‘Retry’ produces the same error and ‘Ignore’ finishes the installation. Then, Windows asks me to search manually for the executer when I click ‘Finish’ with the tick on ‘Run InVEST 3.14 Workbench’.

After the errors, I don’t get any files in AppData/Roaming/, only the installer.exe in AppData/Local/

I have tried installing in two different disks, but nothing. Any ideas?

OK… I ran the executer as administrator and it successfully installed InVEST.

I suggest pointing this out in the installation page.

Thank you!

Hi @edmizac , thanks for reporting this and posting your solution.

This implies that an instance of the Workbench was already running when you tried to install version 3.14.2. Is that possible? Perhaps an older version was running? That could interfere with the installation process and also explain the next error:

Error opening file for writing: [path]\InVEST\InVEST 3.14.2 Workbench\Uninstall InVEST 3.14.2 Workbench.exe
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file"

If an instance of the Workbench was already running, then it could be preventing the installer from modifying this file. The best solution might be to abort the installation and then look in the Windows Task Manager and make sure to quit any instances of the "InVEST Workbench ". Then try running the installer again.

Installing as an administrator is an option, but should not be required.

Actually this was the first time installing InVEST and I got the error since the first time, tried in different days, reset the computer multiple times etc. I have used other simulation softwares so that’s why I was so bothered with this one. Usually most difficulties on Windows are solved with admin permissions…

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