can someone just help me with the weird output from the HQM? This issue has persisted forn way too long weeks. And I have to turn in the results pretty soon.
Here are the log file & input data!
InVEST-Habitat-Quality-log-2019-08-07–15_29_58.txt (32.7 KB) agr_c.tif (33.1 KB) agr_f.tif (33.1 KB) asr_c.tif (33.1 KB) asr_f.tif (33.1 KB) irr_c.tif (33.1 KB) irr_f.tif (33.1 KB) lc_bse_b.tif (33.1 KB) lc_cur_b.tif (33.1 KB) lc_fut_b.tif (33.1 KB) min_c.tif (33.1 KB) min_c.tif (33.1 KB) pla_c.tif (33.1 KB) sensitivity.csv (536 Bytes) set_c.tif (33.1 KB) set_f.tif (33.1 KB) threats.csv (144 Bytes)
Thanks for posting. For a more timely response please add some details to your post. What is “weird” about the output? Which of the many files you attached display this “weird” quality?
Are any of the other posts on this forum under the #habitat-quality tag similar to your issue?