Rain Events Table


I would like to know how we are expected to compile the information for the monthly rain events table. So far, I have generated monthly gridded maps showing the number of days with more than 0.2 mm of rain (per pixel). However, I was wondering about the information that is requested for the table for the number of events per month. Are we trying to have the number of events over the entire study area or only for specific locations? In my case, I work on a pretty large study area (quasi-regional scale) so I am having conflict with trying to assign a value to the number of rain events over the entire region.

Could you clarify how to parameterize this input? Do you perhaps recommend using the table of the number of precipitation events per climate zone instead?

Thank you

Hi @jonathan.pierre -

If you have per-pixel granularity for rain events, you could certainly try creating a climate zone map where each pixel is assigned a unique integer ID that corresponds with your per-pixel rain event data in the climate zone table. This would give you much finer-scale granularity for that input, but could be a lot of pixels/table rows! Does it seem feasible logistically to do something like that, given the number of pixels with rain event data in your study area?

If not, then you could use or create a different climate zone map that is coarser, and take the average value of rain events within it. The User Guide points to Köppen-Geiger climate zones that could be used if you don’t have something more localized.

~ Stacie

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Hi @swolny, thanks so much for the prompt reply. We will go with the second option and use localized climate zones to delineate our zones.

Much appreciated as always!

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