I used the Scenario generator to replace part of an industrial park with an urban park. I ran the model without any issues but I am not sure how to read the result. I attached two maps, one I ran with the farthest from edge option and one with the nearest to edge. Could you please just explain to me what the result represents? What does the 0 to 45 values represent on the map?
Also, I was wondering if I can use the scenario generated as an LULC map in the urban cooling and urban flood risk mitigation models? Is it possible to do that to demonstrate the impact of integrating green infrastructure in an industrial area?
The 0 to 45 values in the output rasters should be the same as the values in the “Base LULC Map” that you provided as input to the model.
In order to understand the output, it would be helpful to also see the original land cover map that was used as input, so we know the different land cover codes, where they are and what they represent. It would also be helpful to see the rules that you used for conversion (i.e. the focal/convertible/replacement land cover codes).
In general, for each patch of a particular land cover type, “farthest from edge” will convert the pixels that are most toward the center of the patch. “Nearest to edge” will convert the pixels most at the outer edges of the patch. Assuming that industrial park has a land use code of 13, and urban park has a land use code of 26, the output rasters that you provided show this clearly.
Thank you Stacie, that’s what I thought. I just wanted to make sure I’m not missing anything.
Also, is it possible to use the raster I got from the scenario generator as the LULC base map for the urban cooling and urban flood risk mitigation models in order to demonstrate the impact of integrating green infrastructure in an industrial area? I would like to run these two models for different scenarios of greening in that industrial park and I was wondering if I can use the outcomes of the scenario generator to do so?
Yes, you can use the scenario generator output as the LULC input to the urban cooling model. Scenario Generator was created for that very purpose.
~ Stacie