Visitation: Rec and Tourism ConnectionClosedError

I tried to get the Rec Model with regression table and grid of 30 trying to get the PUD and the R squared.
However after waiting 4,5 hours there is an error happening with the message:

ERROR Something went wrong when adding task photo-user-day-calculation (1), terminating taskgraph.

Pyro4.errors.ConnectionClosedError: receiving: connection lost: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer

Afterwards, I tried several other times with continuous error.

Kindly find attached log and perhaps there is a way you can help? I have spent over 4 hours just to receive an error message is frustrating.

Thank you.
InVEST-natcap.invest.recreation.recmodel_client-log-2023-04-25–22_05_36.txt (5.1 KB)
InVEST-natcap.invest.recreation.recmodel_client-log-2023-04-26–02_44_58.txt (5.0 KB)

Hi @anthonint , welcome to the forums and thank you for including your logfiles!

I am sorry for the frustration here. Connection issues like this are difficult to troubleshoot, but I have confirmed that the server is up and running, and (at least as of right now) there aren’t any modeling jobs running on the server.

The model does require a persistent internet connection, so very large runs that take a long time are more likely to run into connection issues like this. If it makes sense for your project, you might also consider subdividing your AOI into smaller areas and running the model multiple times.

Please let us know how it goes!

Hi @jdouglass,

Thank you for the feedback. I could go as low as 200 only. However, I had my colleague run the grid and managed to go as low as 50. So it’s fine now.

Thank you.

Sounds good! Thanks for the update, and glad you were able to get it to run.

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