This could just be a problem of an unstable network connection between your computer and the server. It is worth trying it again if you haven’t already.
What is the extent of your AOI? And how many polygons does it contain? Large requests can take a long time to process and are more prone to connection problems.
Please also remember to upload your logfile here, it sometimes has useful info in it.
Hi @jonathan.pierre , thanks for sharing this info. Your bounding box is roughly 20,000 km by 20,000 km. That’s large enough to cover one entire hemisphere of the earth. And with grid cells of 300m sides, that’s ~4.4 billion polygons in your AOI. Is that your intention? What geography did you intend to include in aireEtude.shp AOI?
An AOI of such large extent and so many polygons is not a reasonable use of our InVEST model. It is intended for use at scales on the order of hundreds of kilometers, or less.
I’ll go double check, because I am certainly not trying to cover the earth with in my analysis It may be that I got the bounding box information wrong. See the shapefile attached.