(osgeo) utils._log_gdal_errors(98) ERROR [errno 6] ...This would result in a file with tile arrays larger than 2GB

InVEST-natcap.invest.coastal_blue_carbon.preprocessor-log-2024-07-19–15_47_31.txt (3.6 KB)

Hello @ayh -

I assume that you would like advice regarding this error:

aligned_lulc_2020.tif: File too large regarding tile size. This would result in a file with tile arrays larger than 2GB

If you search this forum for “File too large regarding tile size”, you will find several related posts, such as this one. Please try the suggestions listed in those posts, and if they do not help, let us know what you’ve tried to solve the problem, and we’ll provide further assistance.

~ Stacie